Why does one have ear ache while flying?

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Why does one have ear ache while flying?

JonathanKLeblanc Answered question June 21, 2023

This is mostly caused by the change in air pressure that occurs during landing on either side of the ear drum.

As one moves away from the earth, air pressure drops and is higher the closer one is to it. Passengers feel pain or discomfort as the plane approaches the ground during the landing maneuver because the air in the middle air gap is pushed further into the air into the eardrum, creating pain. By sucking on a sweet or chewing gum, you can prevent this by allowing air from your Eustachian tube to enter your ear, balancing the pressure difference.

Simply exhaling while closing your lips and nose is one easy tip that works wonders. In your ears, there would be a popping noise. This precisely accomplishes the task of allowing air to enter the ears through the Eustachian tube. Continue doing this until the plane lands, at which point you won’t feel uncomfortable and can genuinely enjoy the plane touching down.

If you regularly fly… Custom hearing protection is available to purchase and apply in order to lessen ear pain when flying. Attempt EarPlanes. They are earplugs that have been carefully created with a filter to balance pressure. Disposable earplugs are also readily available in airports. They are less efficient than EarPlanes, but they also lessen unpleasant symptoms and are less expensive. For people who fly infrequently and wish to save money, earplugs are excellent.

JonathanKLeblanc Answered question June 21, 2023