When is it too Late to Fire your Attorney?

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No law prohibits clients from firing their attorneys. The four most common reasons for clients firing their attorneys are lack of communication, personality conflicts, unrealistic promises, and lack of expertise of the attorney. However, the client should exact caution.

Family law cases are complex and involve high emotions. If you fire your attorney at the wrong time, your case could end up getting more complicated, never mind sabotaging your chances of achieving the outcome you desire.

So when is it too late to fire your attorney? 

As a general rule, you shouldn’t fire your attorney if your case has made substantial progress. But there is more to it here.

How to Fire an Attorney?

The first step to firing your attorney is to secure the services of another. Research the attorney you want, and set up a consultation explaining why you want to fire your current attorney. Your new lawyer will draft a notice and send it to your previous attorney asking them to cease their services and hand over all documents.

However, things get difficult if your previous lawyer has already filed a suit.

New attorneys don’t want to take a case from the middle due to hamstrings in strategy and understanding. They would want your case to be as fresh as possible so that they get room to pivot and achieve your goals their way.

This is why you should think twice before firing your attorney. They have negotiated a settlement of your family law case that is close to a verdict.

Schedule a Consultation 

If you need an answer to when it is too late to fire your attorney, get in touch with Jos Family Law. We’ll explain your options and the best course of action for your interests.

Call (714) 733-7066 or send an email to jos@josfamilylaw.com for a free and confidential consultation with Jos Family Law.

JOS Family Law Asked question March 22, 2024