What exactly is the specialty of a prison consultant?

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What exactly is the specialty of a prison consultant?

darnellmsmith Answered question March 4, 2023

A prison consultant is someone who provides advice to individuals who are about to be incarcerated. Obviously, to qualify as a professional prison consultant, you must have the right education and qualifications.

Prison consultants excel in their jobs because they have an exhaustive understanding of how the criminal justice system works. They are able to use this understanding to help prepare their clients for the experience of serving time in prison.

Among other things, they provide them with valuable information on prison culture, rules and regulations by which they must abide, and other strategies for dealing with the challenges of being in a prison.

It is also possible for some prison consultants to help their clients with plea bargaining or even get their sentences reduced. In case you’d like to know more, this page has more information on the subject.

darnellmsmith Answered question March 4, 2023