What does Eminenture provide in IT support?

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Can anyone tell about Eminenture IT support?

David pollard Answered question November 14, 2022

Eminenture is actually a NASSCOM awarded IT/BPM company, which is into technology solutions. It provides all three levels of support, which are categorised as Level 1, Level 2, & Level 3. In the 1st Level, simple technical problems are resolved, which can be related to attending customers’ requests, collecting data and resolving related matters, and escalating unsolved issues to the next level. Level 2 is into a more in-depth service, which involves training in technical support and troubleshooting. The third level, which is Level 3 IT support, requires a subject matter expert that can help in assessing technical requirements or problems, and providing IT infrastructure consulting as well as support for addressing technical errors. Simply put, IT support with Eminenture covers everything that an SME or large scale enterprise require for maintaining its IT infrastructure. Hope, it will help you.

David pollard Answered question November 14, 2022