What can I do to prevent fungal nails?

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What can I do to prevent fungal nails?

Wayne George Answered question February 20, 2021

Getting rid of fungal nail infections can be a nightmare, so it’s indeed best to prevent them. The best way to prevent fungal nail infections is through proper hygiene. Proper hygiene starts by having a daily routine to clean your feet and hands in the shower. Make sure to wash and scrub around your toenails with water and soap to keep the fungi away. Keeping your nails trimmed can also be beneficial, as it prevents substances from getting stuck under them.

Self-awareness is critical when you want to prevent fungal nail infections. You must be cautious around fungal hotspots. Fungi that cause nail infections thrive well in moist areas like swimming pools and public showers. Nail salons can also be a hotspot, so make sure your professional nail artist uses sterilized equipment on your nails and keep the place properly clean.

It’s also wise to keep your nails, shoes, and socks dry. Fungi thrive in moist areas, and that includes sweaty feet. Sweaty feet mean moist shoes and socks, so you should keep them dry when possible. There are special socks made to absorb more moisture and reduce the likelihood of a fungal infection.

Older people are at a higher risk of suffering from fungal nail infections due to their slow nail growth and reduced blood circulation. Also, men have a higher chance of getting nail infections than women. If you are in that risk group, you can help prevent fungal nail infections by adopting healthy habits that help with proper blood circulation around your nails and throughout your body.

If you or someone you love is suffering from fungal nails, it’s important to set an appointment with a specialist like ModPod Podiatry. These infections are generally easier to treat when they are caught early.

Wayne George Answered question February 20, 2021