How often should rugs be professionally cleaned, and what factors influence this frequency?

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How often should rugs be professionally cleaned, and what factors influence this frequency?

KeithVReed Answered question April 13, 2024

Before I mention what I believe is the optimal duration between professional rug cleaning, I think it makes sense to first discuss the factors. Personally, I believe that the most important factors influencing how often a rug should be professionally cleaned are the foot traffic, environmental conditions, and the presence of stressful activities. 

By stressing activities, I mean pets and young children that may contribute to a higher frequency of dirt on the rug. Of course, the type of rug material will also come into play.

Considering all of these, experts in Rug Cleaning North London like Oriental Rug Cleaning Company advise that as a general rule, a rug should be professionally cleaned at least once every year. This way, you can remove dirt, dust, and allergens that have accumulated over the 12-month period.

However, if all of the factors listed above are not in your favour. For instance, if there are lots of pets, lots of children, dusty weather, and a lot of foot traffic, then you may want to clean your rug professionally at least twice every year.

KeithVReed Answered question April 13, 2024