What can help make my backyard feel more welcoming?

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What can help make my backyard feel more welcoming?

Charlotte Stuckey Answered question January 20, 2022

There are a lot of construction ideas that can help you achieve that goal for your backyard but here are three to get you started:

  1. Turning a portion of your backyard into an outdoor living will immediately transform your backyard into one of the most favorite common areas in your house. Complete the ambience with string lights, lanterns, tables, and more.
  2. Love hosting parties at home? Make your home everyone’s go-to hangout spot for an afternoon barbecue or a full-course dinner by adding a full kitchen and a dining space!
  3. Enclose your backyard space to make it functional regardless of the season. If you’ve always dreamed of having a sunroom, this might be the perfect opportunity to do that! Plus, you’ll be able to enjoy your backyard all year-round!

These are just some ideas, and at the end of the day, you’ll be the one to decide how you’ll reinvent your backyard space to make it more welcoming. Just remember to hire builders like Heritage Builders who truly understand your vision and your goals and will be with you every step of the way—from creating the planning drawings Kent, up until completion!

Charlotte Stuckey Answered question January 20, 2022

While what makes places feel welcoming is subjective, a few principles are almost universal. One of them is that people prefer orderly and clean spaces. So, whatever you’re going for with your backyard — whether it has grass, a garden, or a ton of décoration — just make sure it doesn’t look too visually busy and full of clutter at a glance. A neat and orderly backyard will always look more welcoming.

It can also be good to clear footpaths for visitors or make stone or concrete pathways. Few things make a place more inviting than having an actual footpath leading into that area. Finally, it’s also a good idea to invest in quality outdoor homewares for your backyard. There are plenty of comfortable and visually-appealing sofas and chairs being sold on this website and others like it, and having quality furniture laid out in the backyard will naturally make it more welcoming.

Sharon Davis Answered question December 13, 2021