What is an anonymous LLC?

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What is an anonymous LLC?

Isabelle Barunga Answered question December 19, 2020

An anonymous LLC is typically defined as a limited liability company in which the owners are not publicly identified by the state in which they are owned. Anonymous LLCs are created by demonstrating care in where and how an LLC is formed. There is no legal difference between a regular LLC and an anonymous LLC. Anonymous LLCs may also be referred to as a private LLC or a confidential LLC.

Not all states allow for an anonymous LLC. In order to create your own, you much form the said LLC in a state that does not require you to disclose the members or managers of your LLC. The most popular states in which to open an anonymous LLC are Delaware, Wyoming, and New Mexico. In addition to offering an option to open an anonymous LLC, some of these states provide other kinds of benefits, such as no required personal information and tax breaks.

Click here to learn more about anonymous LLCs: https://cindysnewmexicollcs.com/Private-and-Anonymous-LLC/Bank-Account-Opening.

Isabelle Barunga Answered question December 19, 2020