What are some good ways to get rid of an old car?

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What are some good ways to get rid of an old car?

Thomas Richard Answered question September 15, 2022

There are plenty of good ways to get rid of an old car, and it’s usually possible to get some money for it, even if the car doesn’t run anymore. After all, even if a car doesn’t run, it will likely still have some parts in good condition. And if it doesn’t, the metal is still worth something.

You can try to sell or auction off the car yourself, get in touch with a company that specializes in buying up old cars, or — and this is my preferred approach — you can donate the car for charity. It’s easy to donate a car these days thanks to platforms like CarDonationCenters.org, and you’ll get a receipt for the sale value of the car after it has been auctioned off by the charity. That receipt is tax-deductible, making car donations a great way to get rid of old cars while also getting a financial reward to do it.

Linda Workman Answered question February 9, 2022