Is flossing actually that important? And how often should I do it?

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Is flossing actually that important? And how often should I do it?

Gerrald Ross Answered question April 7, 2021

Yes, flossing is very important. The importance comes down to the basics of oral health, and the limitations of your typical toothbrush. You see, each of your teeth has five surfaces, and your brush can only reach three of them: top, front, and back. The left and right surfaces of the teeth are hard to reach because they are in between your teeth.

Food stuck in those gaps becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, creating plaque (a mixture of bacteria and food). That buildup of bacteria can damage your teeth and irritate your gums, leading to two issues: cavities and gum disease. Cavities are often the first thing patients think of when it comes to their oral health, but gum disease is also prevented by flossing. And since bacteria in your gums can make their way into your bloodstream, gum disease can also increase your risk of suffering from heart disease, diabetes, and a variety of other issues. Problems like these are why the best dentist is one who favors prevention above all, as explained by Smile Care Dental on their blog.

Experts recommend that you floss at least once a day to prevent these issues. But you may need to do it more often if you constantly find yourself with food stuck between your teeth.

Gerrald Ross Answered question April 7, 2021