Do you think there are any ethical implications with regards to the Duty of Candour?

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Is there any way to learn about What is Duty of Candour? Professional and Ethical Guidance – Suggest some best blogs or resource for read .

Ryan Reynolds Answered question December 7, 2022

There are a few different ways of looking at the Duty of Candour, but I think the most straightforward way is to see it as an ethical obligation we have to our clients. As trainers, we have a duty to be honest and open with our clients about their progress – both good and bad. This includes being upfront about any deficiencies or mistakes we may have made in their program design, as well as discussing any issues that may arise during their training.

we wrote about this very issue recently in a blog post called What is Duty of Candour? Professional and Ethical Guidance. In it, I argue that there are clear ethical implications for trainers who do not share information about their clients with other trainers.

For example, if a trainer knows that a client has a heart condition but does not disclose this information to other trainers, then that trainer is putting the health and safety of other people at risk. This is just one example of the types of ethical issues that can arise in the fitness industry.

It’s important to remember that our clients put a lot of trust in us, and they rely on us to help them achieve their fitness goals. By being open and honest with them at all times, we can help build stronger relationships and earn their respect. And ultimately

Ryan Reynolds Answered question December 7, 2022