What safety precautions do I need to take when making Ostarine (MK2866) capsules?

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What safety precautions do I need to take when making Ostarine (MK2866) capsules?

Robert Enger Answered question November 17, 2020

Ostarine is one of the first types of SARMs to be developed. It’s also among the mildest and ones with fewer side effects. That said, taking Ostarine is not without its risks. Among the most documented side effects of Ostarine is lowered testosterone levels due to some shutdown effects on natural testosterone production. In order to prevent this, post-cycle therapy (PCT) is recommended after an Ostarine cycle.

Other side effects include headache, back pain, and a slightly elevated blood pressure due to water retention. All side effects can be prevented by sticking with your recommended dose and adjusting as needed. You should never take Ostarine continuously. You need to stay within a 6-8 course to prevent side effects and desensitization of the body to the drug.

It’s worth mentioning, however, that Ostarine side effects are few and far in between, and mostly occur when a person exceeds the recommended dosage. Still, recovery from SARMs is still a lot faster than if you were taking steroids and the symptoms are temporary and less severe.

I suggest you check out Sarms.io for a more detailed guide on how to take Ostarine safely, especially if it’s your first time. You can also talk to them if you need help with finding the right dosage for your present situation and goals.

Robert Enger Answered question November 17, 2020