My beard always grows up looking patchy.

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Is there a way to fix that?

Joe Cook Answered question December 26, 2021

Patchy beard is a very fixable problem. The first thing you’ll want to do is make sure you’re giving your beard enough time to grow. Many people who are unfamiliar with beards go through circles of not shaving for 30 days, deciding that their blossoming beard looks terrible, shaving the beard, and then trying again in a few years. Which is not the right way to do things. Beard often looks bad when it’s just growing out, just like hair does. It usually takes around 90 days for a beard to really come into form.

Waiting longer also gives you more to work with because even if the patches don’t disappear as the beard grows longer, there are many ways to style a beard to make those patches less noticeable.

Another thing to consider when fixing a patchy beard is your age. Some men just have patchy beards forever, but it’s important to remember that you only hit peak beard-growing age at around 25 years old. Meaning that if you’re younger than that, there is a solid chance that your patchy beard problem will just disappear as you grow older, especially if the male side of your family has a history of impressive beards.

Finally, there are lifestyle choices you can make to promote beard growth. One thing to look after is your diet. What you eat can affect your beard growth speed and quality, as your body needs biotin, vitamin A, vitamin C, and various other nutrients to promote healthy hair growth. You can get those by eating a healthy diet or taking beard supplements. Sites like Dapperly Clubclick here to learn more — also have helpful info on this matter.

Another aspect of your lifestyle to keep an eye on is stress. High levels of stress can lead to hair loss and inhibit your ability to grow a nice beard, so if you are under a lot of pressure, maybe wait until your next vacation to start growing your beard.

Joe Cook Answered question December 26, 2021