Why is my air conditioner freezing up after running for a while?

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Why is my air conditioner freezing up after running for a while?

David Hernandez Answered question January 31, 2021

If you have started to notice that your air conditioner is freezing up when you put it on, you may be wondering how and why this is occurring. There are many reasons that may be causing your air conditioning unit to freeze. Unfortunately, nearly all of them will require you to contact a professional technician for help. Here are a few things you will want to take a look at before you make the call. 

Start by seeing if your air filter is clean and by making sure that the airflow within the air filter is not restricted in any way. If it seems like the problem was your filter, you may be able to take care of the issue yourself by shutting your unit off. Let everything thaw while keeping the fan on, and just switch the settings back to normal after you’re done. Other possible causes include a defective blower motor, low refrigerant, or a dirty evaporator coil. It is usually a good idea to contact a professional to ensure that no further damage occurs. 

Looking for AC repair Houston? Click here to learn more. 

David Hernandez Answered question January 31, 2021
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