Can dish soap be used to kill moss?

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If not, what moss killer should I use for my lawn?

Isabelle Barunga Answered question January 25, 2021

You’ll never run out of articles to read that will tell you about the so-called “natural moss killing methods” that will only require everyday household materials. One of those methods is the dish soap method which, as the name implies, uses your ordinary dish soap as the main ingredient to get rid of moss. How this works is this: you simply mix three to four fluid ounces of dish soap with a gal 4.5 litres of water and once you’ve done that, you can just spray the mixture onto the moss patch.

This is just one of the many home methods you’ll find. You can also use baking soda instead of dish soap. Alternatively, you can also use lime. But here’s the thing with these home methods: you might have to repeat the process over and over again to fully get rid of the moss.

You can save yourself from the hassle of having to do those steps over and over again if you use a moss killer. Visit GardenYard today to read their reviews on the best moss killer for lawns that you can buy today.

Isabelle Barunga Answered question January 25, 2021