After I start exercising, how long does it take to see results?

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After I start exercising, how long does it take to see results?

LorraineRWaller34 Changed status to publish December 9, 2020

I know that many of us are excited to start feeling stronger and looking better after starting a new exercise routine with the help of a Charlotte personal trainer like this one. We have all seen countless memes of people doing a few moves and then running to the mirror to see if they can notice any changes. The truth of the matter is that it takes some time to see visible changes from a new workout or exercise routine.

Anytime I have started a new regime or started to challenge myself with heavier weights or longer runs, I have noticed that it takes about 8-12 weeks to start seeing any changes. While seeing the physical results are encouraging and very rewarding, it is also essential to focus on the non-visible results. For example, exercise helps to relieve stress and improve your overall strength. And while it may take some time to see the results, you will immediately feel the effects of a good workout! 

josephvcrawford Answered question December 6, 2020