What are the duties of a phlebotomist?

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duties of a phlebotomist

felipenstevens Answered question September 6, 2020

If you have ever taken a blood test, then you likely got help from a phlebotomist. They are the specialists responsible for the entire process surrounding collecting blood from patients. This includes collecting blood for tests, donations, research, and any other application.

As you might expect, phlebotomists are responsible for collecting blood, storing it, and making sure it is properly labeled. This ensures that the hospital and the laboratories involved can keep track of the blood sample and return it safely. Phlebotomists are also expected to have good bedside manners.

Trypanophobia, the fear of needles, is one of the most common phobias in the world. It is more common among children, and this phobia can make the blood collection process difficult. A good phlebotomist should be able to calm down scared patients so that the blood collection process can happen.

If you’d like to become a phlebotomist someday, this site can help you. 

felipenstevens Answered question September 6, 2020
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