Are soffit and fascia the same?

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soffit and fascia the same..

JamesMBreunig Answered question August 29, 2019

These two terms are often used interchangeably because they’re both important roofing components but there are some striking differences between the two:

The soffit refers to the arch or any structure that covers the underside of a roof. Fascia meanwhile pertains to the part that covers the gap between the roof and the soffit. The fascia is the exposed area seen on the front of the overhang of a roof. It is also the area where gutters are installed on. 

Soffit and fascia have different purposes. Soffit is mainly used to close the gap in the part of your roofing that meets the walls. The soffit serves as a barrier that prevents moisture and elements from coming in contact with the rafters. The fascia also does a protective job since it serves as a barrier between the edge of the roof and the outside. The fascia also serves as the component for the drain pipes and gutters to attach to. 

South East Rubber Roofing tackles all areas of domestic and commercial roofing and they can help you with the maintenance and repair of damaged or old soffit and fascia. Learn more by visiting their website. 

JamesMBreunig Answered question August 29, 2019