How can I keep my offices clean and tidy?

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my offices clean and tidy…

PaulMGrady Answered question August 7, 2019

Keeping on top of office cleanliness can often feel like a chore, and it sometimes takes up far too much time. Some things that I do to reduce the amount of time I spend cleaning include:

  • Tidy Fridays 

This is when I sent a polite, but forceful email to staff on Fridays reminding them to tidy their workspaces and clean any dishes and mugs that they may have left hanging around. Asking your staff to clean up their own mess is one of the easiest ways to keep the office space clean. If more people are aware of the mess around them, the more tidying they’ll do 

For more comprehensive cleaning like vacuuming and kitchen cleaning, I employ a company offering commercial cleaning in Kent. They clean the offices about once every 3 weeks and ensure that I don’t have to spend hours cleaning carpets.

PaulMGrady Answered question August 7, 2019
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