Are cherry angiomas serious?

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Cherry angiomas, the most common type of skin growth. These are typically not considered a threat to your health from a medical standpoint. When your tiny blood vessels get deposited near the surface, they for angiomas  in small, red or purple colour. These appear when you are grown up and reaching adulthood. Sometimes, they cannot be seen easily, and may occasionally bleed if scratched or irritated, these little blood blisters on your body are typically harmless and do not pose significant health risks.

However, there are other types of skin growths, such as spider spots, or venous angiomas, which may be associated with underlying medical conditions. For instance, spider spots can sometimes be a sign of liver disease, and venous angiomas may be linked to vascular issues. In such cases, the angiomas itself may not be harmful, but the underlying condition it suggests should be addressed.

It’s important to note that any sudden changes in these appearances, such as rapid growth, changes in colour, bleeding, or discomfort, should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. While most cases are benign, there may be rare cases of cancerous angiomas called angiosarcomas, which require prompt medical attention.

john smith Changed status to publish September 6, 2023