What are the main costs involved with running Air Conditioning at home?

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main costs involved with running Air Conditioning at home…

martinkhayes Answered question March 10, 2019

Air conditioning can be affordable if you maintain your machine correctly and manage your usage. The main costs involved with running air conditioning include:

  • Electricity

Running air conditioning constantly can become expensive, especially if you don’t have your air conditioner programmed properly. Prolonged usage at low temperatures can cause your electricity bill to be extremely high. To save money, you can program your machine to keep the room at a consistent, comfortable temperature.

  • Maintenance

All air conditioning units will require maintenance to keep them running properly. I usually pay for mine to be serviced by an HVAC specialist once a year, or sometimes more often if required. I also pay for replacement AC filters to be installed, as this keeps the air conditioner running well throughout the year. I usually buy replacement filters online, and they’re not very expensive. As these are one-off costs, I don’t worry too much about them but it’s still a cost to take into account if you’re thinking of having aircon installed in your home.

martinkhayes Answered question March 10, 2019