What are some important steps in filing a lemon law claim in Los Angeles?

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What are some important steps in filing a lemon law claim in Los Angeles?

MichaelKMartinez Answered question January 5, 2023

Cases of defective vehicle purchases happen more often than we think. Luckily when it does, it is comforting to know that lemon law buybacks are a possibility – if things are done the right way.

So what steps must you take to ensure you file a successful lemon law claim in Los Angeles? Here are the five most important steps highlighted below:

  • Identify the problem
  • Report your concerns as accurately as possible
  • Document the problems in as detailed a fashion as possible 
  • Time is important so begin the process as fast as you can
  • Get an experienced California lemon law attorney 

The last step is particularly important seeing as an experienced attorney can make everything else seem easy and make the entire process a whole lot faster.

The attorneys at Johnson & Buxton, for example, have ample experience working on both sides of a Los Angeles lemon law claim, so they know exactly what to do and what not to do. Feel free to click here to learn more.

MichaelKMartinez Answered question January 5, 2023