How can professionals ensure that they are adhering to COSHH when working with patients or clients?

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As a social worker, you are always keen to ensure that you are adhering to COSHH when working with patients or clients. However, it can be difficult to know exactly what precautions need to be taken.

Ryan Reynolds Answered question November 25, 2022

COSHH stands for Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. It is a UK-specific health and safety law that regulates the use of hazardous substances in the workplace.

Professionals can adhere by Understanding the definition of What Does COSHH Stand For? The law stipulates that any substance that is capable of causing harm must be controlled in order to protect employees. This includes both harmful physical agents, such as chemicals and dust, and harmful biological agents, such as bacteria and viruses.

In order to comply with COSHH, professionals need to assess the risks associated with any hazardous substances they are working with and put into place control measures to mitigate these risks.

Ryan Reynolds Answered question November 25, 2022