What is it like to live with CFS?

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is it like to live with CFS.

robertksowders Answered question November 8, 2018

I’m not a doctor (so don’t consider my words solid advice and always check with a doctor), and I don’t suffer from CFS myself, so I can’t speak from any personal experience, but I do know some people who live with CFS can tell you what I know based on that.

CFS has a few symptoms but the main issue is that it causes you to feel extremely tired when you wouldn’t otherwise feel tired. It’s not like narcolepsy where you just suddenly fall asleep, but it can leave you feeling too tired to function properly. It can also give you problems with concentration and make it hard to focus and think properly.

For people whose symptoms are severe, this can prevent them from being able to work and have a normal social life, but others will live relatively normal lives and just feel a bit more tired than their friends.

CFS ME treatment can also make things easier. The Perrin Technique, for example, claims to be able to eliminate symptoms entirely. Speak to your doctor and they should be able to provide more definitive advice on what it’s like to live with CFS. Good luck!

robertksowders Answered question November 8, 2018