What are some of the ways hackers can access my information?

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What are some of the ways hackers can access my information?

Aaron Kotai Answered question May 3, 2022

Hackers have a few tricks up their sleeves. One of the most popular is phishing emails, where they will trick you into revealing sensitive information and enter it into a fake website. Another method is by using fake wireless access points that connect to your business servers. They could also use brute force attacks to guess your password. These are just a few examples.

It’s hard to stop a hacker, and they could usually find means if they wanted to, but there are ways to make it hard for them. First, create strong passwords that cannot be easily brute-forced and change them regularly. Never store sensitive data on your computer and limit the people you share passwords with. Purchase the best antimalware software in the market to thwart attacks. Lastly, use a cloud provider like Genisys MSP Australia to enhance and monitor your cybersecurity and store your info safely on the cloud. Check out https://www.genisys.com.au/ to learn more.

Aaron Kotai Answered question May 3, 2022
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