What are some good ways to reduce water usage?

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I want to lower my water bill.

Franklin Stanford Answered question April 3, 2022

There are many small things you can do to reduce water waste, like turning off the water while shaving or taking shorter showers, but I like to focus on structural solutions when tackling issues like this. For example, do you have water-efficient fixtures installed? Water-saving faucets and showerheads can have a big impact on how much water you use every month, and it allows you to save water without having to change any routines or habits. This is handy, especially if you share your house with a large family.

Another solution is to check the pipes, faucets, and toilets around the house for leaks. You can have a Denver plumbing company take care of that for you. Leaks can add up to a lot of water waste over the course of a year, after all.

You can also save on water by changing how you water your lawn. Rather than doing it on a schedule, you can inspect the grass to see if it needs water or not. You can tell based on the wilt and color of the grass, and watering only when the lawn needs it is both less wasteful and better for the grass.

Franklin Stanford Answered question April 3, 2022
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