My company is expanding. How can I make sure we are complying with employment laws?

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My company is expanding. How can I make sure we are complying with employment laws?

David Winter Answered question August 31, 2021

Whether it is a matter of putting together shareholder agreements or making sure employees are operating within the boundaries of local employment law, the best solution is to simply talk to a lawyer. You can sit down with an employment law firm like and go over the details of how you are handling new and existing employees, or even get a law firm to perform a full employment audit to make sure your business is complying with all existing regulations.

It’s a shame that this process is not simpler. But rules and regulations regarding employment are constantly changing, but on a state and a federal level, and the only surefire way to keep your company compliant is to get a legal professional to audit your policies ever so often. You don’t want to find out you’ve been breaking the rules only after a former employee decides to sue your company.

David Winter Answered question August 31, 2021
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