What are the drawbacks of online learning?

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What are the drawbacks of online learning?

Lucinda Bethel Answered question August 17, 2021

Online learning has become massive in the last year or so. It’s actually existed for quite a few years but most people preferred to go to a physical location to learn. It was only because of the rapid spread of a certain virus that institutions were forced to offer their courses online. At first, many people weren’t happy with this. That’s understandable. The systems and processes weren’t in place to make online learning easy. Remote and distance learning only work if an institution is familiar with it and knows how to do it correctly.

Of course, people also disliked the lack of social interaction. Humans are incredibly social creatures. Learning isn’t just about acquiring knowledge but also about forming relationships with teachers and fellow students. When it switches to online-only, this connection is lost. Many students will experience low moods because they aren’t able to see and socialize with the people they care about. For this reason, many people are itching to get back to school and leave online learning behind for good.

I don’t want you to think that online learning is all bad, though. The research points in the opposite direction. In most cases, students learning online learn more quickly and do so with less stress. The flexibility allows students to take more breaks and work when it suits them. As a result, online learning is only becoming more common. We need to find ways of making it work.

You can study anything online these days. You could learn marketing, finance, or even medicine. I recently began taking a bunch of hospitality courses online. It’s been life-changing. However, I do think hybrid courses that allow for physical meet-ups are the way forward. If you’re looking for a better way to learn, then you can find online and hybrid courses by visiting Pacific Training Group.

Lucinda Bethel Answered question August 17, 2021