Does weight training help with weight loss?

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Does weight training help with weight loss?

Charles Dubois Answered question September 29, 2018

Yes it does, but maybe not in the way you’re thinking. Weight training does burn calories, which is an integral part of losing weight, but it doesn’t burn as much as cardio exercises. These include activities like running, swimming, or performing aerobic exercises.

That said, weight training is better at developing muscles than cardio exercises. Remember that muscles are responsible for burning calories, so the more of it you have the easier it will be for you to lose weight. But you can’t really lose a significant amount of weight just through weight training. You still need to have some cardio exercises mixed in with your routine, along with a healthy diet. I used to frequent a lot of the gyms in Maidstone, my hometown, when I was in my teens, and my physician says that helped me build the muscles I needed to burn through the calories more easily later in life.

Charles Dubois Answered question September 29, 2018
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