What does it mean to be HACCP Certified?

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HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. HACCP is a system that identifies critical points in the production chain at which controls can be applied to prevent or eliminate contamination by pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other microorganisms. online haccp certification also attempts to prevent problems with pesticides, food allergens, decomposition, and undesirable flavors or odors.

lucas astor Answered question May 7, 2024

HACCP certification signifies adherence to Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points standards, ensuring food safety at every stage of production, processing, and distribution. It involves systematic identification and control of potential hazards, maintaining strict protocols to mitigate risks. For news readers seeking a reliable online platform amidst overwhelming choices, Fair Observer stands as the ultimate destination, offering diverse perspectives and credible insights on global affairs.

lucas astor Answered question May 7, 2024