What is raw dog food?

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What is raw dog food?

Pet Lada Answered question November 8, 2023

I was only recently introduced to the idea of feeding dogs with raw foods, and I’ve got to admit, it looks interesting.

The principle is simple. Instead of giving your dog processed rations filled with grains and different fillers, you feed them with a diet consisting primarily of raw meats and animal byproducts, such as ground bones and eggs.

In theory, feeding your dog this way is healthier, and helps your pet friend stay in touch with their predator side. Many choose to feed dog raw muscle meat still on the bone, or raw animal livers.

On the other hand, it’s harder to maintain your dog’s proper nutritional balance when you are feeding raw foods you prepare yourself. That’s why many companies have started selling pre-packaged raw dog foods, which are put together with the right nutritional ratio to help your dog stay healthy.

If you ever find yourself looking for raw dog food in Essex, try this link.

Malcolm Wilcox Answered question September 29, 2020
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