Overwatch match cancellations: when does a match cancel and when does a match push through?

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Overwatch match cancellations: when does a match cancel and when does a match push through?

Colossal Bastion Answered question March 31, 2020

There are instances when a match cancels within the first minute of the beginning of a match. When this happens, it’s because there is an early leaver and in such case, allowing the game to continue in a 5v6 setting would not be ideal. What happens to player/s who leaves at this point in the game is that they will be charged penalties and will have a match loss indicated on their record. For the players of both teams who remain in the game, the match will be cancelled and will be regarded as “no contest”. The match will collapse after 30 seconds, the leaver gets a leave and a loss, while all the other players cam quit the game without penalties or loss. 

After a minute has passed and someone leaves, the match does NOT cancel because allowing that to happen would only create situations where players will think it’s better to leave, especially when they see that things aren’t turning out great for their team. 

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Colossal Bastion Answered question March 31, 2020
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